Hey everyone , I haven't blogged in a while. I am going to talk about protein snacks. Protein snacks are good to snack on throughout the day and some are used as meal replacements. 1. Kays natural protein chips. This one is one I get about all the time. I have a nutritionist that gave me a sample of this. After I loved it. Everywhere I go I bring them to snack on. I get people come up to me and ask what are those? Friends , doctors offices ask me can I try one. They come in many flavors such as kruncheez , crispy parm, pretzels, almond puff ,Mac & cheese puffs , and many more. My favorite one is kruncheez. They have 12 grams of protein in them, 1 gram sugar , 14 carbs , 130 calories. I buy them off lucky vitamin or vistacost . 2. Think thin protein bars . Yummy! Everyone loves junk food and junk food flavors. Now you can get cupcake flavor , salt Carmel , smores, cinnamon bun, and many more flavors. I eat the ones that are protein and fibe...