Surgery is not fun. Every surgery has risks. I went to get a balloon dilation to help my swallowing. I've done it many times. One time I went in and I had food in my stomach not digested from the night before. When I woke up I found out it wasn't done. I was so upset. Had to of course ask why. Since I went to have it done not in the hospital my life could of been at risk. When you have food in your stomach from the night before you can aspertate during surgery. If you do food can get into your lungs. It is risking your life and it is scary.
How I know my Nissen fundoplation failed and slips. I had got burning pain so badly pain in my stomach and heart burn. I would fell the burning going up. Sometimes I couldn't even sit up. I would lay down for a while. Nothing would help the pain go away. It would last and be on going. I would never throw up anymore. Then all of a sudden I threw up. After that I would feel my stomach muscles killing. The burning pain. It wouldn't go away till I had to repeat the surgery and fix it. First I would do a barium swallow to make sure it slipped. Yes barium is not that fun to drink. The scan is 1-2-3 easy. The test will show where the Nissen fundoplation is and if there is a hitial hernia. They say every 7 years you might have to do it over. For me it was every two years. Yes you will have pain. Even with pain you have to wait to get a date to have surgery again. Of course larascopic is the easiest. After two surgeries I had to have it open thoracic. The pain and recovery was hard. ...
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