An old friend of mine takes me to Hooters. Yes Hooters. She tells me they all kinds of food. We are sitting looking at the menu.
Me- there's no chicken fingers on the menu.
my friend- ( pointing at the menu) see right here
me- no that's says buffalo fingers not chicken fingers
my friend- There the same thing
me- no it's not. buffalo fingers and chicken fingers are not the same
my friend- yes they are
me- no buffalo fingers is made from buffalo. chicken fingers are made from chicken
my friend- no I swear it's the same, ask the waiter
me- I asked the waitress. She looked at me like are you serious. I said yes.
The waitress said it was the same.
I'm just like whatever
Now I want them plain. I get them plain. Hum they taste plain.
My friend- dip them in sauce.
Me- I don't like sauce. I like them plain. Just this is to plain.
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