When I first got my Blackberry, I said I will never get the data plan. I'll never use it. I'm just going to make phone calls on it. Yea right! This is the best phone I ever owned.
My phone blinks every second that I got an email , facebook message, twitter. I can be wherever and still answer back. No no!
I hate when I hang out with people and there on there blackberry's the whole time though. Hello your out!
The best is I can never be bored at a dr office. Yes! The blackberry keeps me entertained. I mean I think hospitals and dr's offices should have free internet while waiting. After all they make you wait forever.
Now I have my blackberry 7 months maybe, maybe a little longer. For the first time ever I'm getting addicted to bbm. I never bothered with it. Now I find myself walking around my house, crossing streets, probably almost walking into walls and doors bbming. This is crazy. Though when you look around almost all your friends have blackberry's. Number one never drive and use the phone!
What is this world coming too? People can go online these days even in a bathroom and no one would know. Does anyone really post their status in the bathroom? No!
Now my question is why do they call blackberry's crack berry? Iphone users are using there's just as much.
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