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Mtv hits

We all heard the news MTV hits will be playing old tv shows. Yes now that includes trl. 

I am so happy. This was my teenage life. When trl was on tv everyone knew music and watched videos. Back in the day it was all about music not reality shows. 

Yes I was the girl that cut Hs school just to go to MTV. I been on so many MTV shows and eps. I used to stand outside with posters. I used to get up into the studio all the time . I used to meet every celebrities that was on the show. I thought it was the cool life. I knew all the vjs. Carson Daly even mentioned me after one of the videos played on tv. Used to hang out with Jesse Camp. We had a group. We always meet up. 

I remember back in Hs I had people come up to me in the hallway omg I saw you on tv. 
Even when MTV went on there summer locations, such as the beach house in the hamptons I was there. 

It brings back so many memories with the show back on . I always had a good time. My most embarrassing time there was being on camera , then bumping my head into the camera. Right in front of Britney Spears and Melissa Joan Hart. 

We even have the real world eps. I remember when I was younger I auditioned with my friend for it. Though we did not get picked it was funny doing it. 

I remember being on 12 angry jurors. Having to judge music videos.   

MTV is a big part of my teen years . 


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